The First Year

The First Year

In this bundle, you will be able to watch - for the first time ever - the first three short films produced by WhiteShore Films in 2011! Up until this point, these films have never been released to the public, either because of their low quality or uncompleted progress. But now, they are available to all of you! Enjoy!

The First Year
  • Ping-Pong Master

    WhiteShore Films' debut short film, "Ping-Pong Master". Filled with swords, mustaches, and epic battles, this comedic movie will take you on a wild journey unlike any other. The best thing about it, it's a great film that the whole family can enjoy!

  • The Invisibles

    This small film was the first thing ever shot on WhiteShore's new camera, and it was shot the day WhiteShore Films was founded, in January 2011.

  • One Survivor

    Four people. Only one can take the pill and live. The other three will die. WhiteShore Films' second short film following "The Invisibles", this apocalyptic film deals heavily with the struggles and consequences of individual characters and their decisions.